
Hi, I’m Bethany.

I want to invite you to come with me and Discover God as Your Greatest Adventure.

How is your inner life? Are you busy? Distracted? Overwhelmed? Feeling stuck? What do you need in this season to connect with God? Take the Soul Check-In to see how we can help you.

Take 2-3 days and step away from the noise and into the quiet with God to hear from Him more clearly.

10-day global trips that help you step out of your comfort zone and into fresh perspective with God and others in the learning lab of culture

Attune to the Presence of God in your everyday life.

*Monthly Sessions

Grow deeper in purpose and experience transformation with God at the center.

*Customized One-Time or 6-Session Package

Man can live forty days without food, three days without water, about eight minutes without air... but only for one second without HOPE.
— Hal Lindsay

Our Mission:

Modeling Jesus’ invitational lifestyle and awareness by creating encounters for believers to come alive in Him, while fostering hope, healing, and a hunger for God’s Presence. 


Jesus extended the invitation: “Come, Follow Me.”

The HOPE Adventure extends the same invitation to you:

Come, Follow Him with us.

+ Follow Him into unknown places by stepping out of your comfort zone.

+ Follow Him by clearing your calendar to make space for His Presence.

+ Follow Him by bringing hope & healing to a broken world.

+ Follow Him & find “where your greatest joy meets the world's greatest need.” —Frederick Buechner



Confident Expectation


Chasing the Unknown



Our ultimate HOPE is that you thrive by discovering that:

God is Your Greatest Adventure.

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
— Marcel Proust
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
— Romans 5:13 NIV

Are you ready for an Adventure with Him?

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